Co-President and CEO, Global Citizen Adventure Corps
Music Education and Outreach Consultant
Co-Content Editor, Percussive Arts Society, Percussive Notes Scholarly Journal
Music Education and Outreach Consultant
Arts and Outreach Consultant and Coordinator of Education Events, Discovery Park of America: Heritage Park and Museum
Consultant, Shelby County Schools, Music Education
Consultant, Diversity Alliance, Percussive Arts Society
Board Member, Main Street of Union City
Chair, University of Tennessee at Martin (UTM), Department of Music
Co-Founder and Inaugural President, Weakley Arts Can
Campus Coordinator, UTM Faculty Evaluation Process
Associate Editor for World Music, Percussive Notes Scholarly Journal
Inaugural Co-Faculty Supervisor, UTM Women's Student Alliance (WSA)
Leadership Sub-Committee Chair, Percussion Arts Society Diversity Alliance
Professor and Director of Percussion, UTM
Creator/Faculty Advisor, UTM Percussion Society
Faculty Senate, UTM
Immediate Past President, Percussive Arts Society
President, Percussive Arts Society
President Elect, Percussive Arts Society
Second Vice President, Percussive Arts Society
Secretary, Percussive Arts Society
Board of Directors, Percussive Arts Society
Board Member, Obion County Chamber of Commerce
Select Leadership Awards
Sterling Award Winner
Percussive Arts Society, Outstanding Service Award Recipient
UTM Phi Kappa Phi, Artist Award Nominee
Featured Speaker, Ned Ray McWherter Institute
Participant in the UT Leadership Institute
Sigma Alpha Iota Member Laureate
UTM Percussion Society's Roots of Rhythm, Event of the Year
Muriel Tomlinson Featured Academic Speaker Series, UTM
Select Accomplishments
Global Citizen Adventure Corps (GCAC) is a 501(c)(3) public charity Co-Founded by Stacie Freeman M.S.S.W. and Dr. Julie Hill. Collectively, they have more than 35 years experience in both K-12 and university teaching, administration, and non-profit leadership. Each has personally lead numerous global studies programs for hundreds of students and community members to destinations in Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Cuba, Mexico, Thailand, and Trinidad & Tobago. Stacie and Julie formed Global Citizen Adventure Corps in the summer of 2022, in order to better facilitate service-based travel opportunities for young people from under-represented backgrounds who might not have that opportunity otherwise. Both believe in the power of service-learning and the importance of cultivating a mindset of global consciousness from an early age. For students who hunger for first-hand knowledge of the world around them, and are willing to earn that educational privilege through service to their local and global communities collectively, GCAC wishes to make their dream a reality!
Oversee mission, vision, and corps values of the organization
Oversee all administrative, financial, and day to day operations of the organization
Oversee board of directors, board of advisors, and all standing and ad-hoc committees
Oversee all staff for onboarding, recruitment, retention, and delegation of organizational responsibilities
Oversee all fundraising efforts including individual giving, foundation work, and grants
Oversee alignment of organization regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion
Oversee all programs and activities established between high schools, universities, and international partners in Costa Rica, Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, Honduras, Peru, Trinidad, Colombia, and Guatemala among others
Oversee community relationships and strategic partnerships
Oversee compliance and best practices of the organization to minimize risk
Administer/optimize overall operations at the Department of Music including a budget of $1.1M in personnel, operating, and scholarships. Lead all capital campaign and development initiatives along with the development and implementation of a strategic plan. Manage to raise funds of $2.5M for the new concert hall at Northwest TN Arts Center (NTAC). Manage a high-performing group containing 22 faculty, three staff members, and two graduate students. Plan all music courses offered by the Department of Music while overseeing faculty workloads and additional hires needed for courses offered. Maintain institution’s accreditation with the National Association of Schools of Music. Steer committee chairs for recruiting/retention, curriculum/assessment, governance, and development as well as area chairs for all instrumental and vocal degrees. Play a leading role in organizing music events and festivals across the campus. Recruit guest artists, secure funds/sponsorships, and supervise recruitment, advertising, and marketing.
● Delivered strategic guidance, leadership, and mentorship throughout the COVID – 19 Period including:
Wrote justifications to receive more than $780K in Technology and Building fees as well as new instrument purchases from 2015-2021
Serving as an educational and inspirational resource for creating new webinar series “Keeping the Beat by TNMEA” in association with UTM Music, our state music association TNMEA, and the Country Music Association Foundation (CMA) while generating income for musicians unemployed due to COVID – 19 that encompassed:
From March - July 2020: 62 nightly programs, 1.7 million views, 45 countries, 5,700 Viewing Hours (as of July 2020).
Selected Featured Artists: Joan Jett, Los Lobos, Raul Malo, Tim Ries/ Bernard Fowler (Rollings Stones), Jeff Coffin/Victor Wooten, Emmylou Harris, Ayanna Witter-Johnson, Tim Lautzenheiser, Carl Fischer (Billy Joel).
Successfully increased viewership and followers at different social media platforms, including:
Facebook Total Reach by 429,240 from Nov. 21, 2018 to Nov. 21, 2019 and by 1,504,530 from Nov. 21, 2019 to Nov. 21, 2020.
More than 70% increase on YouTube Views and Instagram.Created Internship Program/Curriculum Requirement for addition in BAM Degree along with the development of GENS 140 Course for Students on Academic Probation.
● On Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and Racial Injustice from June 2020 - present:
Established INCLUDE Utm, public statement, long term plan of implementation, faculty in-service training, ongoing training and activities for faculty, students, staff, and alumni to better communicate and mutually respect one another.
● Established a Living Learning Community Dorm/Program for music majors/minors and hired experienced music tutors to represent underserved populations of students.
● Orchestrated extensive eHandbooks for the Faculty and Students in the Department of Music.
● Ongoing implementation of the SACS successful assessment.
● NASM successful re-accreditation process.
● Creation/progress of Auditions, Calendar Booking, Accompanists, and Spending Procedures and Policies.
● Addition of 2.5 additional full-time faculty, 2 graduate students, 2 interns, 1 half-time staff member and enhancement of a second increasing from 50% to .75%.
● Execution of the inaugural and ongoingUTM Contemporary Music Festival and Northwest TN Arts Festival.
● Successful Advocacy for UTM Music Library to become the official satellite library for UTM’s Paul Meek Library.
● Application of innovative technology/staffing for high-quality live streaming and archived storage at all concerts:
● Use of technology for paper-free meetings, which led to reducing overall paper consumption.
● Growth of international travel studies in the department of music.
● Additions to TN Arts Commission’s Artist Roster Program Ticket Subsidies Program “Roots of Rhythm” (only university program in TN ever to be approved).
Headed the application of the new faculty evaluation process in the campus throughout from inception to completion. Liaised with Faculty Evaluation Consultant/Expert – Dr. Raoul Arreola. Administered overall timeline for the 3-year process along with a group of 44 college and campus-wide committee members with multiple subcommittees. Organized all meetings, compiling agendas, file sharing, and coordination of information to the campus at large. Facilitated weekly meetings with steering committee encompassing the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor/Provost, and Faculty Senate President. Directed the Beta testing process with Deans at Beta Chairs/Departments.
● Led the successful development of campus-wide faculty evaluation process as well as weight declaration process.
● Developed a formulaic Excel spreadsheet with weights and annual reviews to calculate the yearly score.
Excelled as the Head of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the development and execution of strategic planning and management of a $1.5M in one of the largest international instrumental organizations around the world. Served on the Governance Committee and the Finance/Audit Committee. Participated in two-day summit meetings in Indianapolis twice a year while attending all meetings at PASIC along with creating agendas and conducting monthly online meetings. Reviewed all applications of Percussive Arts Society International Convention (PASIC).
● Led the establishment of the Diversity Alliance.
● Drove rapid increase in the diversity among PAS leadership positions.
● Directed the seamless implementation of the first strategic plan for PAS.
● Restructured Standing Committees within the Board of Directors as well as Bylaws.
● Transformed organizational body from a large Board of Advisors to a Streamlined Board of Directors.
● Engaged local leaders in the Indianapolis community to serve on the university’s Board of Directors.
● Expanded Mission/Vision for PAS and institute’s museum “the Rhythm Discovery Center in downtown Indianapolis”.
● Successfully secured a 10-year lease with the Simon Corporation for Rhythm! Discovery Center.
● Initiated the PASIC International Scholarship.
● Introduced the Chamber Percussion Competition.
● Main Street Union City, Board of Directors
●. Obion County Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors
●. Co-Founder and President, Weakley Arts Can (WAC)
●. Creator, kickstART Development Night with UTM Athletics, VTA, and Music
●. Emerging Youth Concert Coordinator/fundraiser with the City of Martin and UTM Town and Gown
●. Roots of Rhythm Interactive World Music Program Creator
●. World Bizarre Fundraiser and Community Outreach Event, Founder and Coordinator
●. West Star Leadership Presenter
●. UTM Town and Gown Presenter
●. Rotary Club Presenter (numerous locations throughout West Tennessee)
●. Martin Kiwanis Club Presenter
●. Martin Philharmonic Music Guild Presenter
●. Union City Rotary Club Presenter